Morston, Norfolk

Morston tide times

July 2024

Morston tide times

Date High tide High tide
Sat27 11:573.4m
Sun28 00:462.7m 12:503.0m
Mon29 01:422.3m 13:532.6m
Tue30 02:462.1m 15:052.3m
Wed31 03:562.0m 16:252.2m

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August 2024

Morston tide times

Date High tide High tide
Thu01 05:072.1m 17:442.3m
Fri02 06:092.4m 18:522.5m


Things to see and do near Morston

If you're planning a visit to Morston, you'll find that there are plenty of things to see and do in the surrounding area. Here are just a few ideas to help you make the most of your trip.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions!

  • Boat Trip on the Norfolk Coast — A boat trip off the coast of Morston is a great way to explore the area and its spectacular wildlife. Enjoy a day out visiting the seals and birds that inhabit the area with a boat trip in the North Sea.
  • Blakeney Point National Nature Reserve — A visit to the Blakeney Point National Nature Reserve is a must for anyone looking for an unforgettable experience. Take a boat trip to the reserve and witness the array of birdlife and seal colonies that inhabit the area.
  • Norfolk Coast Path — Take a stroll along the Norfolk Coast Path and enjoy the stunning views of the North Sea and the surrounding countryside. Along the way you can visit the coastal towns of Wells-next-the-Sea and Holkham.
  • Sea Kayaking — Get out on the water and explore the coastline with a sea kayaking trip. Paddle around the salt marshes and enjoy a unique perspective of the area's wildlife.
  • Visit the Blakeney Freshes Nature Reserve — Explore the Blakeney Freshes Nature Reserve and enjoy the stunning scenery. Take a walk through the nature reserve and admire the array of birdlife, including the marsh harrier, water rail and little egret.
  • Visit the North Norfolk Railway – Take a ride on the North Norfolk Railway, a heritage railway which runs between Holt and Sheringham.
  • Visit Hunstanton — Located only a few miles from Morston, Hunstanton is a popular seaside resort. Enjoy a day out at the beach and explore the town with its great selection of shops and restaurants.
  • Visit Stiffkey — Take a trip to the tiny village of Stiffkey and explore its unique history. Visit the local church and discover the fascinating story of Stiffkey's martyrs.
  • Explore Cley-next-the-Sea — Visit the picturesque village of Cley-next-the-Sea and explore the surrounding area. Visit the nearby bird sanctuary and enjoy the stunning scenery of the nearby marshes and grasslands.
  • Visit Cley Windmill – This iconic windmill is a great place to explore and take in the views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Visit Cley Marshes Nature Reserve – Cley Marshes Nature Reserve is a popular destination for birdwatchers, with plenty of wildlife to spot.
  • Visit Sheringham Park – Sheringham Park is a National Trust property, with beautiful gardens, woodlands, and plenty of wildlife.
  • Visit Wells-next-the-Sea — Spend a day out at Wells-next-the-Sea and explore the town's history and culture. Visit the local museum and discover the area's past.
  • Take a Coast Path Walk — Take a walk along the Norfolk Coast Path and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Stop off at the local villages and explore the area's history and culture.
  • Visit Holkham Hall — Spend a day out at Holkham Hall and explore the magnificent 18th century Georgian estate. Take a walk through the gardens and admire the stunning architecture.
  • Take a Boat Trip on the River Glaven — Take a boat trip on the River Glaven and explore the area's stunning scenery. Stop off at the local villages and enjoy the unique landscape.
  • Visit Brancaster — Spend a day out at the quaint village of Brancaster and explore the area. Visit the local nature reserve and bird hides and enjoy the amazing wildlife.
  • Visit Stody Estate — Take a trip to the Stody Estate and explore the beautiful gardens and grounds. Take a walk through the arboretum and admire the variety of trees and plants.

There are many things to see and do near Morston. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or outdoor activities, you'll find plenty of ways to enjoy your time in the area!